The opening lines of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities resonate with many of us because life often brings both the best and the worst of times. Unfortunately, the "worst of times" can become a harsh reality during major holiday weekends, like Labor Day, when roads are busier, celebrations are in full swing, and the risks of accidents and DUI arrests are higher.

The Dangers of Holiday Weekends

As school resumes and Labor Day arrives, there's typically an increase in traffic, alcohol-related arrests, and auto accidents. Although you might not expect to be involved in an accident, it only takes a moment for your life to change. Planning ahead for the unexpected is crucial. Just as you would have the contact information for a plumber, electrician, or A/C repairman handy, it’s wise to consider now who you would call if you, a loved one, or a friend needed a Personal Injury or DUI attorney. People don’t Plan to Fail, They Fail to Plan.

Silence is Golden

If you find yourself in an accident or facing a DUI charge, it’s important to remember that Silence is Golden and Handcuffs are Silver. Talking can often do more harm than good. My advice to clients, friends, and readers is simple: “DON’T TALK TO ANYONE” when involved in an accident or criminal investigation, especially insurance adjusters. It’s not what you say, but ”what they think they heard you say” that can be used against you.

Using your lawyer as a "strawman" can be an effective way to avoid talking. You can tell authorities that you'd be happy to cooperate, but your lawyer has instructed you not to speak without their permission. This approach has been used by many, including those involved in significant criminal matters.

Know Your Rights During a DUI Stop

To avoid turning a bad situation into the worst day of your life, it’s essential to understand your rights. If you’ve been drinking and are involved in an auto accident or stopped for a possible DUI, remember that Field Sobriety Tests (FST’s) like "walk the line" or "finger to nose" are optional, as is the breath test at the scene (if you're not on probation). You should courteously decline to take these tests and instead request a blood test, per your lawyer’s instructions.

Social Media Awareness

After an accident or DUI arrest, it’s critical to take down any social media posts that could be used against you. Investigators for the District Attorney or insurance companies can gather a lot of information from platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and others. Posting about physical activities or making light of drinking habits can seriously harm your case.

The Importance of Hiring a Local Attorney

Hiring a local attorney who is familiar with the judges and court staff is vital and should be done as soon as possible. Once you have legal representation, investigators are no longer permitted to contact you directly regarding your case.

The Lasting Impact

Even if you are found not guilty or successfully resolve your accident case, the experience will likely still be one of the worst times of your life. Defendants often lose time, money, and endure significant stress from the arrest, court appearances, bail, attorney fees, and the overall impact on their personal and family life.

Final Thought

 The best advice remains: DON’T DRINK/DRIVE/TEXT. Taxi’s, Lyft, or Uber are cheaper than calling me… and far less stressful than dealing with the legal, financial, and emotional fallout of a DUI arrest or auto accident. Drive Sober, or Get Pulled Over.